segunda-feira, 7 de junho de 2010

Mobile phone for the elderly has ringtone as loud as a road drill

Tecnologia. Celular com ringtone para deficiente auditivo

Celular tem ringtone tão alto quanto motosserra

Uma companhia britânica colocou à venda no país um telefone feito para pessoas com deficiência auditiva cujo ringtone pode atingir até 100 decibéis – o equivalente a uma motosserra ou um trem passando.

O novo modelo da Geemarc, que está sendo apontado como o telefone mais barulhento disponível à venda, já vendeu milhares de cópias no mercado britânico.

O equipamento foi concebido após indicações do Royal National Institute for Deaf People, maior organização beneficente britânica dedicada a ajudar deficientes auditivos.


Texto original:

A mobile phone designed for older users - with a ringtone of 100 decibels, as loud as a pneumatic drill or speeding train - has gone on sale.

The Geemac phone : Mobile phone for the elderly has ringtone as loud as a road drill
The Geemac phone

The mobile phone, which also has large buttons and a big screen for the short-sighted, has been manufactured by a British company to appeal for the millions of elderly people who find modern mobile phones far too complex as well as far too quiet.

The Geemarc Clearsound CL8200 is understood to be the loudest mobile phone on the market.

It has been on sale for a few months at specialist websites, including the Royal National Institute for Deaf People, where it has sold thousands thanks to the fact it is compatible with hearing aids. The charity estimates that there are nine million deaf or hard of hearing in Britain.

Since it went on sale last week at, which sells discounted hearing aids, traffic to the website has doubled.

Jamie Murray Wells, the chairman of, said: “We have found a lot of our customers who are hard of hearing were fed up with the amount of unnecessary technology on other mobile phones and wanted a simple phone they could hear ringing, make calls and receive texts. They were tired of missing calls because they could not hear the ring and fiddling with small buttons. We think it's going to be a big seller."

As well as the ultra-loud ringtone, the phone also has a loud receiving tone, allowing listeners to hear their caller louder than normal. This volume is 25 decibels, compared with a standard 8 to 10 decibel standard volume.

A spokesman for Geemarc, which is based in Hertfordshire, said: "There is a real need for a phone that doesn't look like a disability phone, but which is really simple to use. There are a lot of elderly people frustrated at iPhones, and smart phones which can practically boil a kettle but are very difficult to use if you are hard of hearing or short sighted."

The phone costs £89.99, and comes with a pay-as-you-go SIM card, with £5 worth of credit. It is also compatible with any other SIM card.


2 comentários:

soramires disse...

Estranho essa notícia uma vez que existe o rcurso de sinalização com luzes ou por vibração...e sabe-se que excesso de ruídos pode prejudicar a audição. E vamos supor que seja audível para o deficiente auditivo será insuportável para quem está por perto e não é deficiente.

Cristina Ferber disse...

É Sônia, eu também achei um pouco estranha a notícia, mas verificando a fonte, tive a confirmação de sua veracidade.
Realmente é um celular esquisito, talvez sirva como despertador, quem sabe.

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